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TASOLLER firmware upgrade V1.1 (2021.02.02)

0 Tutorial outline

  • Firmware download
  • Notes after decompression
  • Upgrade HOST firmware
  • Upgrade LED firmware

1 Firmware download

  • Solve the problem that the sensitivity cannot be switched under certain circumstances;
  • Under individual sensitivity, if a certain button is always on. Please switch to the next level or the previous level of sensitivity. After 3 seconds, plug and unplug the "PC" USB-C interface again. The problem can be solved;
  • Modification of light combination keys, in accordance with the instructions;

Download Firmware compressed files

compressed files name:

Release date:2021/2/2

version number:V1.1

2 Notes after decompression

Unzip the compressed files 

Make sure there are the following files in the compressed files: 

  • Host_20210202_V1.1.bin
  • LED_20210202_V1.1.bin
  • Update V1.1.exe
  • config.ini ( Make sure there is a config.ini file, if the file is missing, the firmware cannot be upgraded)

3 Upgrade HOST firmware

Disconnect the USB-C interface with "PC" written on TASOLLER;

PS: The USB-C interface with the word "POWER" on TASOLLER can be disconnected or disconnected without affecting the upgrade.

Open "Control Panel" and open " Devices and Printers".

(Note: For the convenience of confirmation, whether windows has recognized the upgrade status of TASOLLER)

Press the FN2 button without letting go, and plug the USB-C cable into the USB-C port with the text "PC". After inserting the USB-C, don’t release FN2 until you see the HOSTMCU icon on the "Devices and Printers" page, then let go.

(Note: About FN2 is about to be pressed for about 1~2 seconds)

Open Update V1.1.exe

Click Connect button, if the connection is successful, Connect will turn green.

Click the Open Files… button and select the Host_20210202_V1.1.bin file in the directory

Click Update

After the progress bar is 100%.

Complete the upgrade.10. Reinsert the USB-C.

4 Upgrade LED firmware

Disconnect the USB-C interface with "PC" written on TASOLLER;

PS: The USB-C interface with the word "POWER" on TASOLLER can be disconnected or disconnected without affecting the upgrade.

Open "Control Panel" and open "Devices and Printers".

(Note: For the convenience of confirmation, whether windows has recognized the upgrade status of TASOLLER)

Press the FN1 button without letting go, and plug the USB-C cable into the USB-C port with the text "PC". After inserting the USB-C, do not release FN1 until you see the LED MCU icon on the "Devices and Printers" page, then let go.

(Note: About FN1 is about to be pressed for about 3~5 seconds)

Open Update V1.1exe

Click Connect button, if the connection is successful, Connect will turn green.

Click the Open Files… button and select the LED_20210202_V1.1.bin file in the directory

Click Update

After the progress bar is 100%.

Complete the upgrade. Close the Update V1.1.exe software. Re-plug USB-C.


When upgrading the LED firmware, FN2 needs to be pressed for a longer time, there are 2 ways to determine;

Hear the sound of a new USB device recognized by windows;

In "Devices and Printers", you can see the LED device icon;

If in the case of FN2, the LED firmware was upgraded (the HOST firmware should have been upgraded), don't worry, just upgrade the HOST firmware again.

If in the case of FN1, the HOST firmware is upgraded (it should have upgraded the LED firmware), don't worry, just upgrade the LED firmware again.

If there are any problems during the upgrade. Close the Update V1.1.exe file, reopen it, and follow the steps to upgrade again.